Friday, February 3, 2012

My Love

9 years ago I meet Ryan the love of my life, I was only 16 but I feel head over heels in love . Being young there was a lot of UPS and downs , I always backed away thinking I'm so young no way to gaurentee we'll be together. Ryan is an amazing person, he showed me that I was worth him loving me and waiting for me to move past my fear . Which wasn't easy on his part, I wasn't easy it took me four years and a our baby . Being pregnant with Isabella was a huge challenge for me, It was a rough pregnancy and very difficult being pregnant in a situation that was not the situation I dreamed of. Pregnancy makes our emotions all over the place already , and to top it off my life felt like it was not going where I had planned. It's amazing how much having a baby makes you grow up, its no longer about just yourself . Isabella from the minute I knew I was pregnant I was in love with her, she was my angel, and still is. After I had her my life started to fall into place, I allowed my self to be happy and to look forward to being a family. Ten months after Isabella was born I married Ryan, the man who is an amazing husband and father! He is provided me almost five years of a loving marriage filled with happiness and joy! We have two amazing children Isabella 5 and Damian 22 months :) We are a family , one I always dreamed I would have .

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

A New Years Revolution

So I started my new year of with a few simple things I wanted to do, and one of them was to try something new ! So here I go trying to blog, not sure where to start but the good thing about this is I can always delete a post lol! I must admit a great thing about blogging is I can say anything that is on my mind, happiness, sadness, anger, love , frustration and every emotion or challenge that us women and our families go through on daily basis ! I would be lieing if I didn't admit that starting a blog was a challenge for me , putting my thoughts, feelings and struggles out for my family and friends to read , but this year I am all for meeting my resolution! So welcome my family and friends to my new blog , I promise there will probably be misspelled words, not perfect grammer, missplaced punctuation but under all the stumbles will be my triumphs, my shortcoming , my happiness and my love !